Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Dear Mrs Catherine Seah,

I would like to suggest that you split the recess into 2. 2 campuses have become one. you should see the chaos during recess. long Q's. some people didn't even get to eat. especially those lining up in the malay stall. why is it that there's 3 drinks stall? Don't the 2 original stalls that was operating in campus 2 supply enough drinks for the students? I would like to recommend that we have 2 stalls that sell halal food.

I would like to appel for PROM NIGHT. I heard that there won't be any prom night this year but instead the school will be having a great farewell dinner. It won't be as memorable graduating with the whole school rather than graduating with the graduating classes. Don't you think that having only 1 year of prom rather pathetic? Do you know that my friends and I are looking forward for the prom since last year? This is unfair. UNFAIR.

That's all for now. Have a wondeful year ahead. (:

Yours sincerely,


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